Her name was Kimber Carol Ann Siebenahler.
She was a very active little girl and she died before she was born on June 4, 2020. Kimber was the daughter of Maggie (Kuhlman) and Nathan Siebenahler, the little sister of Raelyn and Colt, and since her passing, she’s become the big sister of Kuhbie.
Her mom gives credit for Kimber’s unique name to her dad. “He wanted a girl named Kimber and I finally gave in,” Maggie said. It’s been a year and a half since Kimber’s stillbirth and Baby Kuhbie has brought joy to the Siebenahler family but there will always be one piece missing. “She was going to be the last piece in our family puzzle,” Maggie said. It was Tuesday, June 2, 2020. Maggie had a prenatal appointment and Kimber was perfect. Her birth was to be induced on Friday, June 5.
But the next day Maggie noticed she hadn’t felt the baby moving much, which was not typical for Kimber. That morning, Maggie noticed Kimber’s tiny foot had been in the same spot for a while. Trying to convince herself everything would be ok, Maggie drove to Sioux Falls for a stress test.
It revealed that Kimber’s heart had stopped beating. She was born the next day and doctors learned a “true knot” in the umbilical cord had likely caused her death. A true knot forms when the umbilical cord loops or interweaves around itself, usually early in the pregnancy. Maggie was devastated. She sought counseling for her grief. Her counselor directed her to the Mother’s Garden in Dell Rapids, SD. In the Mother’s Garden, Maggie found peace and comfort and it made her wonder why there wasn’t a garden closer to her hometown in Luverne, MN. As Kimber’s first birthday approached, a friend asked Maggie how she planned to commemorate the day. Maggie said, “I said I want to make a garden.” Maggie’s friend, Ali Dinger, and Ali’s mother-in-law, Lisa Dinger, began researching grants, connecting with the Luverne Community Foundation and other parents who have lost children. Soon a committee was formed, a location was identified, and several grieving parents began working together toward creating the Child’s Remembrance Garden. Why a garden? Maggie said she visits Kimber’s grave often, “But the cemetery is very sad for me. The garden in Dell Rapids was calming and inspiring.” Maggie said the Child’s Remembrance Garden will help grieving parents know they are not alone and it’s a place where their children will be remembered.
Her name was Kimber Carol Ann Siebenahler and she was loved so much by her family and was a very active little girl.
Founding President & 2024 Board Member
Maggie Siebenahler